Last updated on February 23rd, 2024 at 04:00 pm

My first Viking Omegaverse: Stolen by the Wolves by Lyx Robinson

Jumping into the Viking Omegaverse for the first time with Lyx Robinson’s Stolen by the Wolves, and yes, I loved it!! It’s the first instalment in a six-book series which is set in the year 870. This Viking Age-inspired world is made up of ‘normal’ humans, Varg (the Wolf term for Alphas), and Vanirdottir (daughters of the Vanir, referred to as Omegas). Mix in some Omegaverse tropes with Viking culture, and we’ve got a great combo of history, mythology, and speculation.

The story follows three Viking lords scheming an invasion of the Kingdom of Strathclyde while chasing down the legendary Vanirdottir. Every full moon amps up the Vargs’ strength, violence and passion, and the Vanirdottirs get all lustful with every touch and interaction. This is why my spice expectations were high! However, even a steamy book lover like me still enjoyed the small elements of spice between the two protagonists. They’re both so likeable that I couldn’t help route for them both even though they’re on opposite sides and have different circumstances. 

Full disclosure: I picked up this book for its promised steaminess and thought it would be a spicy page-turner. And while it didn’t quite hit the steam I expected, the story sucked me in with its easy-to-follow world-building and plot. No overwhelming info dumps, just a smooth entry into a world of betrayals, conflicts, and historical fantasy—perfect for an Outlander fan like me. Discover my overall thoughts on the plot here

This slow-burn romance between unknown enemies turning into friends and lovers, took me by surprise. Despite missing some classic Omegaverse elements, the world-building, with its Viking fantasy allure and slow pacing was spot on for me.

Book bio & rating

Four Star Rating/5

Stolen by the wolves by Lyx Robinson book cover

Title: Stolen by the Wolves
Author: Lyx Robinson
Genre: Omegaverse, fantasy romance, reverse harem, historical.
My Score: 4/5
Good Reads score: 4.02. Visit Stolen by the Wolves in Good Reads.
Publisher: Lyx Robinson
Format: Paperback
Pages: 304
Buy on: Amazon | Amazon – Kindle edition.

Once the wolves of Dublin take control, who knows what they plan to do with us? They are savages. And we are at their mercy. 

It is the year 870. Hordes of Vikings sweep through the lands of Britain and Ireland, raiding and pillaging. Tamsin has always been safe in her sanctuary, up in the well-guarded kingdom of Strathclyde; safe enough to yearn for a glimpse of the war-torn world beyond. But with the Viking threat looming, even her secretive kingdom must open its gates to invite allies. And she gets far more than a glimpse. 

The three lords of Dublin are on the hunt for women of her kind. Thrain Mordsson, youngest of the three and bent on a personal vendetta, doesn’t take much stock in the ancient prophecies.  He fights for glory rather than the spoils. Until he finds himself standing in front of a fiery-haired princess – and the touch of her hand wakes an ancient magic in them both. 

From that point on, all he knows is that he must protect her from the coming storm at any cost. 

Content warning: Graphic depictions of violence, battles, sexual situations, strong language, self flagellation, religious trauma.
Spoilers: This review is mostly spoiler-free. I’ve placed all spoilers within an accordion, leaving the choice to you if you fancy reading them.
Disclosure: This blog contains affiliate links, and as an Amazon Associate, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you if you make a purchase through those links.

November reading wrap up

In this video, I’m discussing my November reading list, covering Kendare Blake’s Three Dark Crowns and its sequel One Dark Throne, along with Honey by Mariel Pomeroy, Stolen by the Wolves by Lyx Robinson, and House of Sky and Breath by Sarah J. Maas. Join me as I highlight key points from each book and share my overall impressions.

Or skip to read my  thoughts on Stolen by the Wolves plot and world-building.

Thoughts of plot and world-building

Stolen by the Wolves thrones you right into the storytelling and world-building, with no fluffing information that’s not relevant to the story or too complicated! While the spice and romance took their time, the plot wasted no seconds, delivering conflicts, betrayals, and a captivating world from the get-go.

Now, let’s chat tropes. We have the classic arranged marriage trope, where you’re rooting for the bride to triumph over the groom. Tamsin’s journey, the conflicts she faces, and that gut-punch betrayal were all brilliantly penned. Then there’s the cultural conflict trope between the Vikings and Britons, with their different ways of life and treatment of the Varg and Vanirdottir, which added a unique layer of tension to the story.

Now, onto the romance which is a slow burn ‘why choose’ trope. While the steaminess took its time, the intimacy and passion between Tamsin and Thrain were palpable. The dynamics of their Alpha-Omega pairing intrigued me, especially how Tamsin, seemingly with limited power in the kingdom, held an undeniable sway over Thrain, ready to protect and devote himself to her. Also, I have to comment on the twin connection between Tamsin and Rhun as it was written so well. Some authors get this completely wrong and end up writing a weird twin dynamic, and I was worried about this at the beginning. But their bond, their determination to save each other—Robinson nailed it.

But Robinson didn’t stop at a compelling narrative; she crafted a rich, immersive world that seamlessly blends historical accuracy. The map at the beginning was a lifesaver, helping me navigate the intricacies of the Viking Omegaverse and understand the history and conflicts of Dal Riata and Strathclyde. I am fully invested in this story! If Stolen by the Wolves sounds like your kind of read, why not buy it on Amazon today!

Thoughts on characters

Potential spoilers, so proceed with caution.

Tamsin: Picture fiery hair matching an even fiercer personality. Tamsin isn’t your flawless heroine, and that’s what makes her so likeable. In a world full of Viking drama and Omega dynamics, she knows her worth and doesn’t take any nonsense. The dynamic between her and Thrain, as well as her and Rhun? Absolutely addictive and lovable!

Thrain: Thrain embodies self-control and respect for women! Now, I was expecting more beastly brute action… we got a taste, but honestly, I want more. Thrain’s caring, gentle side toward Tamsin took me by surprise, and I’m here for it. But seriously, can we see more of that powerful side, please?

The three wolves (Thrain, Olaf and Ivar): Ivar was giving off the brutal, power-hungry brother, and Olaf, the quiet realist— did anyone else feel this?! Their brotherly bond with Thrain is a highlight, and the whole leader, dreamer, strategist dynamic is gripping.

Rhun: I’ve got mixed feelings about Rhun. Sure, he might seem a tad useless at times, but he adds layers to Tamsin’s story. I’m holding out hope that he’ll step up and become a prominent character in the next books.

Final thoughts

As you can tell, I loved my first Viking Omegaverse experience! The anticipated spice, betrayals, and historical fantasy elements were seamlessly woven into a narrative that resulted in me struggling to put the book down turning pages. If you have any Omegaverse recommendations to share, please feel free to comment below; it appears I’ve stumbled upon a genre that’s likely to become a new favourite!

Happy reading!

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